# Nick name: Pikaxu
# Age:15
# Where you are from:Brazil
# How long you've been played AC: 2 ½ years
# Other Clans you've been in / What clan are you currently in: -xW-
# Why have you left them:go out by themselves and went to try on a good clan and that lasts, more so today I did not think RD is hope:)
# Favorite Weapon:SMG
# Favorite Map:ac_depot
# Favorite Mode:Ctf
# Extra Skills (coding, mapping, running a server etc.)windows vista
# Why do you want to get in Run or Die: Why i think i is a good clan that will
last long! I hope to make history here.
# Which #r|D(s) invited you / Is this your idea: No
# Small info / bio about yourself:I started playing 13 years with assault cube, do not take a lot Aseries was still noob, I met many friends, and I had an idea to make clan | MDN | it messes only played two, won many friends and will be finished some time with the clan, I saw that really would not work, I trained a lot of maps wotan, eurozone among others and went to perfecting until krayce saw me play and I axou good with SMG, was almost every time 1st, so I accepted his proposal, It was my nick-XW-[B]-azz * fikei much time in the clan until it comes out cuz the clan was falling apart, I received many proposals as the FR |, GRZ, = SR =, and refused all, why will not be my clan right, finally I love to play in the depot.