# Nick: Aka
# Age: 17
# Where are you from: Italy
# How long you've played AC: from October 2008
# Other Clans you've been in / What clan are you currently in: {Turco}, IAF|, -xW-, IAF| again =D
# Why have you left them: not a particoular reason.
# Favorite Weapon: Smg, but sometimes, I am quite good with sniper too
# Favorite Map: ac_casa, ac_douze (not official ones)
# Favorite Mode: mmm lss
# Extra Skills(coding,mapping,run a server...) I can map quite well, no ohter skillls.
# Why do you want to get in Run or Die: becauze it's a new clan, want to make it grow up.
# Which #r|D(s) invited or if this your idea: my friend art =D